Three Kinds of Commercial Insurance Your Business May Need

It is crucial to have the appropriate types of insurance when running a business. Numerous commercial coverage options exist to shield your business from various types of risks. To figure out the specific commercial insurance policies your business requires, consult with an insurance agent. Feel free to contact us at H & R Insurance Group LLC in Portland, OR.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation is an essential form of commercial insurance required by any business with employees. In Oregon, every business with one or more employees must have it. It is crucial to protect your business against the substantial costs of medical treatments should any worker get injured.

Professional Liability

Professional Liability insurance is a necessity if your business depends on providing expertise to your clients, as with doctors treating patients. This insurance safeguards you if your advice or service is incorrect or otherwise negatively impacts your clients. Professions such as lawyers, accountants, and any other, depending on your expertise, should consider this coverage.

Commercial Auto Insurance

All vehicles owned by your business must comply with commercial policy. This ensures legal compliance and provides the protection you need against accidents. The policy won’t be honored if a personal policy covers a business vehicle and an accident occurs during work tasks. This would leave all subsequent repair and medical bills to your company. It is crucial to always ensure that this policy covers your vehicles.

Acquiring Commercial Insurance

We can help you obtain the appropriate insurance policies for your business. Contact us at H & R Insurance Group LLC in Portland, OR.